Thank you for contacting RoadVista. Your RMA number has been emailed to you with detailed instructions on how to send us your equipment .
- You are authorized to send the equipment to us. Please print out the email sent to you and put it inside the equipment case.
- IMPORTANT: Write you Service Request RMA Number on the outside of the shipping box. Failure to do so may delay the processing of your equipment.
- For most standard service and simple repairs, you can expect us to have your equipment between 2 and 4 weeks after we have received authorization to perform the service.
- Your order will not be processed until we have received authorization for the quoted price.To speed up the process, you can send the equipment in pre-approved for the service amount by issuing a purchase order the requested service. Standard service prices are listed below.
- Send the equipment to:
RoadVista / Gamma Scientific
9925 Carroll Canyon Road
San Diego CA 92131
Standard Service Prices
Evaluation Fee* | Service Cost | Part Number | |
922 | $0 or $250* | $675 for 24 month validity | 922-AMP-24 |
932 | $0 or $300* | $875 for 24 month validity | 932-AMP-24 |
StripeMaster Touch | $0 or $450* | $1,225 for 24 month validity | SM-AMP-24 |
Laserlux G7 | $0 or $600* | $2,500 for 24 month validity | LLG7-AMP-24 |
Laserlux G7 Vision | $0 or $600* | $3,000 for 24 month validity | LLG7-IR-AMP-24 |
Laserlux G7 Color | $0 or $600* | $4,000 for 24 month validity | LLG7-CLR-AMP-24 |